2013 Sermons

The Perils Of Pauline Theology

It is my firm conviction, which may or may not be valid, that the theology espoused by the apostle Paul in his various letters that are part of the New Testament has led to a major and very unfortunate detour in Christian theology. That is especially true for what is called Christology, meaning the study of Jesus as the Christ. Nevertheless, despite my personal skepticism regarding Paul, Pauline theology became the normative and orthodox theology of the Christian Church by the end of the first century of the Common Era, and it has remained so to the present day.

Why Is Jesus’ Birth Not Clearly Presented?

Matthew and Luke believed Jesus to be the Son of God. There were many factors in the life of Jesus which led them to believe that, but the circumstances of his birth were the first of those many factors. Matthew and Luke were convinced Jesus was born of a virgin. If anyone was born of a virgin, God would have to be the paternal parent in that obstetrical miracle, or how else could it occur at all?

Jesus’ Biggest Gamble: The Disciples

During Advent I am preaching a series of sermons called a Reverse Retrospective on the Life of Jesus. We started with the crucifixion two Sundays ago, last Sunday we looked at Jesus’ frequent theological battles with the scribes and Pharisees, and next Sunday, the Sunday before Christmas, we will of course consider the birth of Jesus. For today we shall be thinking about one of the earliest events in the public ministry of Jesus, namely, the choice of his twelve disciples.

Is Jerusalem MORE Than Jerusalem?

Jerusalem, the Holy City, Zion, the City of God, the City of Peace. The very word Jerusalem means “City of Peace,” but it has known little peace for the past 3200 years No city in the world has caused more political or religious discord than Jerusalem. At around 500,000+ residents in 2013, it has the largest population now it has ever had, but it isn’t size which makes Jerusalem so important, nor location.

The 24/7 God

God is the 24/7 God, the God who never slumbers nor sleeps. He is continuously “on the job,” and eternally at His self-appointed divine post. None of us is like that. None of us can be like that. We run out of steam and experience fatigue and require sleep to recover for the next day, but there are no days or nights to God, nor is there any need for physical refreshment. God is not a physical being; He is purely a spiritual being, whatever that might mean (and no physical being can fully comprehend that).

Is Progressive Christianity in Decline?

Being properly religious doesn’t mean going to the temple to sacrifice animals in order to have your sins forgiven, nor does it mean going to church every Sunday in order to curry favor with God. Instead it mainly means doing things in the world, not in the religious community! It means to do justice (an active verb yoked with a divine requirement for the world), to love kindness (another active verb yoked with one of the greatest of biblical virtues), and to walk humbly with your God (an active verb closely connected to a biblically-based adverb), and we are to do that on behalf of God.

The American Aversion to "Sin"

...Tthere is a strong tendency for powerful or self-satisfied people individually to delude themselves into thinking that they don’t sin. Little people sin – poor people, underemployed people, wage earners, the perennially ill, the psychologically warped – but powerful people, winners, the truly successful, don’t sin. Sin is for losers. Righteousness, and perhaps even rightness, and an honorable reputation, are for winners.